Case Study
Hibernia Resources III
Hibernia Resources needed a geosteering software that provides innovative features to give them a competitive advantage, while being nimble enough to keep up with Hibernia’s fast pace. With its cloud-based architecture, exceptional data management capabilities, real-time rig data integration, and completions integration, ZoneVu’s geosteering package has been that software for Hibernia.
An Interview with Reed Stevens, VP of Geoscience

Case Study
Great Western Petroleum
Six Ways ZoneVu Has Made Us Better.
Drilling in the DJ Basin is a frenzy of high ROPs (~400+ feet per hour on average) that contend with complex structure, faulting, and a minefield of existing vertical and lateral wells.
For Ryan Hoff and Geoff Lee, the geologists responsible for steering every well for Great Western, ZoneVu has made a difference to how they execute in their roles.